Cakewalk by bandlab update log
Cakewalk by bandlab update log

In addition to acquiring the intellectual property from Cakewalk, Inc., BandLab also hired former CTO Noel Borthwick and Senior Software Engineer Ben Staton (among other former Cakewalk staff) to continue development of the code. licensing servers as a courtesy to owners of legacy products. BandLab continues to maintain the old Cakewalk, Inc. BandLab's stated goal was continued development of the former company's flagship product, SONAR (now renamed Cakewalk by BandLab) as part of its portfolio of freeware digital audio workstation software. In February 2018, BandLab Technologies announced that it had purchased all of Cakewalk, Inc.’s intellectual property and some of its assets. At this time, Gibson ceased all development and support of Cakewalk software with only the licensing and support forum servers kept running. was dissolved in November 2017 by its parent company, Gibson Brands. After 30 years of operation, Cakewalk, Inc.

cakewalk by bandlab update log

SONAR was the final flagship product of Cakewalk, Inc.

Cakewalk by bandlab update log